Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Robert Walker's Fractal Tune Smithy

I was curious if there is any way I could hear what the lambdoma
instrument sounds like. I am increasingly interested in finding a way to
purchase one.

I understand how to program the matrix onto a synthesizer, but I just need
to find ways to tune each note individually, and have the whole scale
system be transposable to fundamental of any frequency reasonably in the
midrange of the sonic spectrum.

I was playing with the fractal tune smithy auto-arpeggiator and really
liked the just intonation. I am surprised the lambdoma scale is not
programmed into it! (or i just haven't figured out how to generate it yet)

I am really excited about getting into this! It seems to be part of the
answer to a several year long quest to find a suitable musical system to
herald the coming age!

Have you tried the FTS_lambdoma that is part of Robert Walker's Fractal Tune Smithy programs.

The difference of the Keyboard from the software is that you can actually play as many keys as you have fingers
on the Lambdoma Keyboard. And you don't need to tune each note individually as when you choose the generating frequency
it automatically changes the entire matrix to the keyboard. It also does this in the software. As a musician I would recommend the full scale keyboard.

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