Tuesday, June 10, 2008

my "aha" experience

I had my "aha" experience after reading the book "Tone a Study in Musical Acoustics" by Levairy and Levi, Kent state University Press> I think it was published in 1961. It is all about the Lambdoma matrix. I had just been reading about Pythagoras in Manley Halls big "tome" and realized that I could color the musical notation with their ratios the colors that Pythagoras chose for notations. From then on all the pieces kept coming together and I found that there were complementary relationships with everything!

I decided to study mathematics in order to find a connection between music and visual art and found that connection to be the mathematical ratios in the Lambdoma table. I went so far as to get a Masters degree in Math education, and then carried it all further by my independent researches in finding the relationships of everything to everything I could think of.

Intuition certainly played a part in this adventure. I felt that I had found my mission in this lifetime. The final stage was the manufacturing of the Pythagorean Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard. I have found that when individuals play it that it changes their consciousness to a more positive belief aspect. It is all about having a person find their own Keynote, play their own chord, and say one word that comes to them as they are holding down the keys of their chord. It based on the fact that it is all their own choices which they have dared to make.

By the way I did my interpretation of the I Ching on the Lambdoma matrix. It is on my AOL website which is found at the ILRI button at the bottom of the page in:


Click on New Developments and you will find it.

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